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средний уровень

средний уровень

 easy-average words

1. A Joke
school, jokes, reading, Past Simple, intermediate, easy-average words A1-A2

2. Amazing Trees
trees, story, reading, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect Progressive, easy-average words

3. When the Flower Blooms
plants, story, reading, Present Simple, Future Simple, First Conditional, easy-average words

4. The Little Seed
plants, story, reading, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, could, easy-average words

5. The Life of a Flower
plants, story, reading, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, to be going, First Conditional, easy-average words

6. Plans for the Weekend
hobbies, free time, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, Present Simple, Present Perfect, would

7. Sight of the Blind
folk tales, India, reading, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, Passive, First Conditional, intermediate, reading, easy-average words

8. Craig’s Life Opens 
family, daily routine, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple, reading, intermediate, easy-average words

9. Tiger’s Delicious Treats
animals, food, cooking, friendship, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, easy-average words, intermediate

10. My Wonderful Family
family, Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, may, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, A1-A2

11. Hummingbirds
birds, nature, Present Simple, Present Perfect, can, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, B1-B2

12. A Letter to a Friend
studies, food, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect*, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, can, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, B1-B2

13. Little Goat
animals, fairy tales, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, easy-average words, intermediate


average words

14. Tropical Fish
pets, hobbies, free time, reading, comprehension, average words, Present Simple, Present Simple passive

15. Tetris
games, technology, free time, hobbies, history, Russia, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, could, Present Simple and Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, B1-B2 

16. The Fox and the Goat
fables, Greece, Aesop, Present Simple, Past Simple, Passive, First Conditional, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

17. Theseus and Minotaur
myths and legends, Greece, Past Simple, Passive, First Conditional, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

18. The Two Frogs
fables, India, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, Passive, There was, could, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

19. The Ants and the Grasshopper
fables, Greece, Aesop, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, There was, must, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

20. All about Plant
plants, story, reading, Present Simple, Present Simple passive, average words

21. Nickolas’s Book of Leaves
plants, story, reading, Present Simple, Present Simple passive, average words

22. The Thief and the Coat
fables, Greece, Aesop, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Future Simple, Future in the Past, Could, Time Clause, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

23. Football Club
hobbies, sports, football, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Passive, Can, reading, intermediate, average words B1-B2

24. Teenagers Life in UK
families, teenagers, daily routine, free time, society, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Past Perfect, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

25. School Day in a UK School
schools, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Passive, May, Could, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

26. Teenagers Jobs in UK
teenagers, jobs, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Passive, Can, Have to, There is, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

27. How Do Children Celebrate Birthdays in England?
birthdays, customs and traditions, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past habitual, Future Simple, Passive, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

28. Animals in Britain
animals, society, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words

29. Japan’s Most Famous Dog
animals, pets, friendship, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, Future Habitual, There is, Could, Passive, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2
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30. Music in UK
music, history, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words B1-B2

31. Houses in England
houses, finance, society, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Passive, There are, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

32. British Currency
money and finance, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Passive, reading comprehension, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

33. Alexandra Kosteniuk – the World Chess Champion
chess, sport, Russia, texts, reading, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Simple passive, average words, B1-B2

34. Why People Are Different Sizes
myths and fables, Aztecs, Mexico, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Passive, There were, Could, Time Clause, reading, comprehension, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

35. Plants and Plants Growth
plants, story, reading, Present Simple, Present Simple passive, average-difficult words

36. The Ant and the Dove
fables, Greece, Aesop, Past Simple, Passive, could, relative clauses, reading, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2  

37. The Hare and the Tortoise
fables, Greece, Aesop, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Simple, Future in the Past, May, Could, reading, intermediate, average-difficult words B1-B2

38. The Birth of the Ganges
myths, India, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Simple, Future in the Past, Passive, Have to, Relative Clause, reading, intermediate, average-difficult words B1-B2

39. Dolphins
sea animals, reading, Present Simple, Present Simple passive, average-difficult words, intermediate, B1-B2

40. Blue Whales
sea animals, reading, Present Simple, Present Simple passive, superlatives, average-difficult words, intermediate

41. British Coins
money and finance, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, Can, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

42. British Post
society, post, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Passive, Can, Must, May, There are, Relative Clause, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

43. Where Do British People Go on Holiday?
leisure and entertainment, holidays and vacations, travel, way of life, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past habitual, Passive, Relative Clause, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

44. Television, Radio and Newspapers in Britain
media, press, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Passive, There are, Can, Should, Relative Clause, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words

45. Shops in Britain
shopping, leisure and entertainment, free time, travel, going places, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Passive, Can, Should, There are, Relative Clause, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words

46. Shopping in London
shopping, leisure and entertainment, London, travel, going places, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Passive, Can, reading, intermediate, interactive, average-difficult words, B1-B2

47. How Much Do Things Cost in England?
shopping, money, travel, going places, UK, Present Simple, Passive, reading, intermediate, average-difficult words

48. Break Games in Britain
leisure and entertainment, games, kids, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Past habitual, Passive, Can, Must, Have to, Would, May, Shall, Relative Clause, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

49. Driving in Britain
driving, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, May, There is/are, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

50. English Stereotypes
society, culture, stereotypes, England, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, First Conditional, Had to, There are, Relative Clause, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

51. Lundby Dolls House
hobbies, kids, families, houses, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Future Simple, There are, Time Clause, Relative Clause, UK, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words A2-B1

52. Transport in Britain
transport, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Passive, Can, Have to, Would like, There are, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

53. Getting Around in London
transport, travel, going places, London, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Passive, Can, Must, May, There is/are, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

54. London Underground
transport and travel, going places, London, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Passive, modals, There are, Relative Clause, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

55. English Social Customs
customs and traditions, manners, society, England, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Can, Must, May, Should, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

56. Greetings in England
customs and traditions, manners, greetings, travel, England, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, May, Would, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

57. Acceptable Behaviour in England
manners, travel, going places, England, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Future Simple, Can, Would, Complex Object, Passive, reading, writing, interactive, intermediate, average words

58. Religions in Britain
religion, society, statistics, Britain, UK, Present Simple, There are, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

59. Religions in Britain 2
religion, history, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past habitual, There are, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

60. Religious Groups in London
religion, London, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

61. National Costume of England
clothes, customs and traditions, history, England, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Can, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

62. Dating and Wedding in England
customs and traditions, weddings, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past habitual, Future simple, Can, May, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

63. The Digital Divide
internet, Britain, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

64. The Early Aztecs
Aztecs, Mexico, history, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Passive, reading, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

65. Working in Britain
jobs, statistics, society, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Passive, Can, Should, Have to, There are, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

66. Industries in Britain
industry, economics, statistics, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

67. Farming in Britain
agriculture, economics, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past habitual, Passive, There are, reading, intermediate, average words

68. Symbols of England
symbols, customs and traditions, heraldic, England, UK, Present Simple, Passive, reading comprehension, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

69. The UK
politics, geography, Present Simple, Past Simple, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

70. Great Britain
politics, geography, Present Simple, Past Simple, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

71. The British Isles
UK, Ireland, geography, Present Simple, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

72. The Isle of Man
British Isles, geography, politics, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

73. The Name of the UK
politics, history, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past habitual, Future Simple, Passive, There was, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

74. Famous Landmarks of Britain
travel, going places, history, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, Can, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

75. Bully For You
bullying, society, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Have to, Might, Passive, Relative Clause, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

76. Angkor Wat
travel, going places, history, Cambodia, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Can, Passive, Relative Clause, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

77. Ada Lovelace: the First Computer Programmer
famous people, computers, history, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Could, Passive, Relative Clause, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

78. A Controlling Job
jobs, aviation, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, May, Have to, There are, Passive, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

79. A Postal Post: 6 Crazy Stories of Mail Bonding
post, fun, Present Simple, Past Simple, could, there are. Past Simple passive, intermediate, average words, B1-B2

80. Team Sports, American Style
sports, USA, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Can, Passive, reading, comprehension, handouts,  intermediate, average words, B1-B2

81. Levi’s Blue Jeans
clothes, business, famous people, history, USA, reading, comprehension, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Simple passive,  intermediate, average words, intermediate, B1-B2
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82. High Beams
horror stories, reading, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, average-difficult words, B1-B2

83. Harold
horror stories, reading, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Simple, Past habitual, Future in the Past, First Conditional, Second Conditionals, could, might, should, average-difficult words, B1-B2

84. Public Houses (Pubs) in England
foods, eating, drinks, restaurants and bars, society, travel, going places, leisure and entertainment, law, England, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Future Simple, Passive, Can, Must, May, Would like, There is/are, Relative Clause, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

85. Norman Rockwell
famous people, art, USA, reading comprehension, Past Simple, Passive, average-difficult words, B1-B2

86. Honey Badgers
animals, nature, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, to be going, could, would, Second Conditional, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2 

87. Black Friday
shopping, society, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect*, Past Simple, Future Simple, may, Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2

88. Child Inventors
children, inventions, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, Present and Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2

89. Google
computers, technology, inventions, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, there are, Present and Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2

90. Inflation
money, wars, history, Germany, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future Simple, can, had to, would, Present and Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2

average-difficult words

91. History of Britain. Timeline and Facts
history, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2

92. No more Fish ‘n’ Chips?? The Original Fast Food Is Struggling to Survive …
food, eating habits, economy, Britain, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past habitual, Future Simple, Can, Could, There is/are, Passive, Relative Clause, First Conditional, reading, glossary, after reading activities, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2, printable

93. Rivers
nature, environment, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Can, Could, Would, There is/are, Passive, First Conditionals, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2  

94. The Fifth Sun
myths and fables, Mexico, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, modals, Passive, reading comprehension, interactive, intermediate, difficult words, C1-C2

95. British Sports
sports, leisure and entertainment, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Can, Must, There are, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2  

96. Population in Britain
population, society, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, Can, There are, Passive, reading, interactive, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2  


difficult words

97. Close Encounters with a Twister
tornado, nature, USA, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Past Habitual, Could, Passive, There is/are, First Conditional, Prepositions, reading, writing, glossary, after reading activities,, handouts, intermediate, difficult words,  B2-C1

98. Regions and Cities in England
geography, economy, nature, travel, England, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, interactive, intermediate, difficult words, B2-C1

99. Yosemite National Park
history, nature, environment, US, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, First Conditional, Relative Clause, reading comprehension, intermediate, difficult words B2-C1

100. The Fifth Sun
myths and fables, Mexico, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, modals, Passive, reading comprehension, interactive, intermediate, difficult words, C1-C2

101. The Extremes about Birds
birds, vocabulary, reading, Present Simple, superlative adjectives, Present Simple passive, Past Simple passive, difficult words, C1-C2

102. Black and British
racism, politics, history, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Simple, Can, There is/are, Passive, Relative clause, Quantifiers, reading, glossary, writing, comprehension, after reading activities, handouts,  intermediate, difficult words, C1-C2