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Games, Toys and Playground

Games, Toys and Playground
1. Peppa Pig - Spring
seasons, weather, games, family, video, subtitles, animated, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, There is/are, can, would like, Subjunctive, easy-average words, intermediate, British accent

2. Peppa Pig - Very Hot Day
seasons, weather, games, familyvideo, subtitles, animated, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, can, have to, would like, should, Past Simple, Temporal Clause, easy-average words, intermediate, British accent

3. Peppa Pig - At the Beach
seasons, weather, games, family, video, subtitles, animated, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, can, would like, must, have to, may, First Conditional, Temporal Clause, easy-average words, intermediate, British accent

4. Peppa Pig – Snow
weather, body, winter, seasons, clothes, games, family, humour, video, subtitles, animated, easy-average words, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, intermediate, British accent

5. Peppa Pig - Cold Winter Day
weather, clothes, winter, seasons, humour, games, family, video, subtitles, animated, easy-average words, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, to be going, intermediate, British accent

6. Peppa Pig - Windy Autumn Day
autumn, seasons, weather, clothes, games, family, subtitles, animated, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, can, First Conditional, Present Simple passive, easy-average words, intermediate, British accent