Просто и занимательно. В свободном доступе


1. What Does True Friendship Mean to You?
friendship, video, easy words, Present Simple, Present Progressive, can, elementary, British accent

2. friendship, video, animated, easy words, Present Simple, Past Simple, elementary, American accent

3. Bat and Friends 12 Parts
friendship, video, animated, subtitles, easy-average words, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Future Simple, elementary, American accent

4. friendship, video, easy-average words, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, intermediate, American and British accents

5. Ricky
friendship, pets, video, easy-average words, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, intermediate, American accent

6. Crow and Kitten Are Friends
friendship, pets, video, easy-average words, advanced grammar, American accent

7. Polar Bears and Dogs Playing
friendship, animals, video, easy-average words, advanced grammar, American accent

8. Christian the Lion
friendship, animals, video, easy-average words, advanced grammar

9. A Lion Called Christian
friendship, animals, video, documentary, average-difficult words, advanced grammar, Australian and British accents

10. A Letter to My Best Friend
friendship, video, average words, advanced grammar