Тексты и рассказы
1. Daily Routines
daily routine, reading, Present Simple, prepositions of time at, to be going, easy-average words, beginner-elementary
2. My Daily Routine
daily routine, reading, Present Simple, prepositions of time at, easy-average words, beginner-elementary
3. John’s Daily Routine
daily routine, reading, Present Simple, prepositions of time at, easy-average words, beginner-elementary
4. Emma’s Daily Routine
daily routine, family, school, food, reading, Present Simple, prepositions of time at, adverbs of time, easy-average words, elementary
5. Queen Elisabeth II Daily Routine
daily routine, royal family, UK, reading, Present Simple, Present Simple 3-rd person singular, easy-average words, elementary
6. John’s Daily Routine
daily routine, USA, reading, Present Simple, Present Simple 3-rd person singular, easy-average words, elementary