средний уровень
easy-average words
1. The Lazy Bear
animals, seasons, fairy tales, Present Simple, Progressive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, easy-average words, animated, interactive (British)
2. Superhero High
school, stories, animated, reading and listening, comprehension, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Present Simple passive, easy-average words, British accent
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3. A Day in the Life of Tommy Ecott
daily routine, school, Britain, reading and listening along, comprehension, intermediate, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, easy-average words, British accent
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4. School Rules
school, texts and stories, animated, reading and listening, comprehension, must, mustn’t, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, can, First Conditional, easy-average words, British accent
Верны ли данные предложения – выбери правильный ответ. Для проверки нажми “Finish”.
5. Plans for the Weekend
hobbies, free time, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, Present Simple, Present Perfect, would
6. My Wonderful Family
family, Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, may, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, A1-A2
7. Hummingbirds
birds, nature, Present Simple, Present Perfect, can, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, B1-B2
8. A Letter to a Friend
studies, food, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect*, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, can, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, B1-B2
9. Have You ever Been in an Accident?
accidents, vocabulary, listening, (transcript possible), comprehension, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, there was, easy-average words, intermediate, British accent
average words
10. Tropical Fish
pets, hobbies, free time, reading, comprehension, average words, Present Simple, Present Simple passive
11. The Great Chase
crime, Past Simple, Progressive, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
12. The Best City
city, reading and listening, comprehension, average words, Present Simple, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, there is, can, would, different accents
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13. Two Sisters and the Cat
family, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, reading, listening, comprehension, intermediate, average words
14. Nasreddin and the Pot
humour, folk tales, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words
15. Nasreddin and the Beggar
humour, folk tales, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Simple, Passive, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words
16. The Story of Quinine
history, medicine and health, plants, Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Simple passive, Future Simple passive, must, animated, interactive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
17. Thunder and Lightning
legends, nature, Africa, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past habitual, Present Simple passive, Past Simple passive, can, could, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
18. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
fables, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Simple, complex object, there is, there was, could, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
19. The Carpet Fitter
jobs, horror, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Progressive, Future in the Past, Passive, Relative Clause, First Conditional, reading, listening, comprehension, intermediate, average words
20. A Bad Day Joke
fun and jokes, traditions, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, First Conditional, time clause, can, to be going, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
21. April Fools Day
holidays, traditions, jokes, fun, tradition, history, Britain, UK, France, Present Simple, Past Simple, should, Present Simple passive, Past Simple passive, Future Simple passive, First Conditional, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
22. Halloween
holidays, traditions, religion, superstitions, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, could, had to, Past habitual, Future in the Past, Present Simple passive, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
23. Bonfire Night
holidays, traditions, history, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Future Simple, should, there was, Present Simple passive, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
24. Christmas in Great Britain
holidays, traditions, religion, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, to be going, there was, would, Present Simple passive, Past Simple passive, Past Perfect passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
25. The Queen
famous people, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Simple passive, Second Conditional, read and listen along, intermediate, average words (British accent)
26. Why Do the British Drive on the Left Hand Side of the Road?
Britain, UK, history, driving, Present Simple, Past Simple, there are, could, had to, Present Simple passive, read and listen along, comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
27. The Great Fire of London
London, history, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, there was, could, had to, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
28. Rahere
volunteering and good deeds, history, London, Britain, UK,
Present Simple, Past Simple, there has been, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Progressive, Future in the Past, Past Simple passive, First Conditional, there was, could, should, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
29. Robin Hood
legends, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past habitual, there were, could, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
30. Gelert – the Faithful Dog from Wales
legends, animals, Britain, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Simple, Future in the Past, Past Simple passive, could, there was, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British accent)
31. What Is in Your Name?
society, fashion/trends, listening and reading, comprehension, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, There is/are, Passive, Can, Could, to be going, average words (British accent)
32. Woman Lies about Winning Lottery
society, crime, USA, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Progressive, Future Simple, have to, could, should, might, to be going, Past Simple passive, time clause, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (American) +
33. Valuable Guitar Found
society, USA, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, could, might, had to, Past Simple passive, Past Perfect passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (American) +
34. Theft Occurs Everywhere
crime, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past habitual, Future Simple, can, to be about to, Present Simple passive, Present Progressive passive, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words, (American) +
35. Books Don’t Grow on Trees
education, society, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future Simple, have to, Present Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words, (American) +
36. A Festival of Books
events, leisure, USA, Present Simple, Past Simple, there were, Future in the Past, Present Simple passive, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words, (American) +
37. Driver Loses Mable, Finds Jail
driving, law, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect Progressive, to be going, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words, (American) +
38. King Henry VIII
famous people, history, Britain, UK, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, could, have to, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words (British) +
39. Pilot Killed as Plane Crashes into House
accidents, USA, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future Simple, there was, might, have to, can, time clause, Past Simple passive, read and listen along, reading comprehension, intermediate, average-difficult words words (American) +
40. Honey Badgers
animals, nature, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, to be going, could, would, Second Conditional, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2
41. Black Friday
shopping, society, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect*, Past Simple, Future Simple, may, Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2
42. Child Inventors
children, inventions, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, Present and Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2
43 Google
computers, technology, inventions, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future in the Past, there are, Present and Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2
44. Inflation
money, wars, history, Germany, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future Simple, can, had to, would, Present and Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, average words, B1-B2
45. Tetris
games, technology, free time, hobbies, history, Russia, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, could, Present Simple and Past Simple passive, reading, comprehension, easy-average words, B1-B2
46. Japan’s most Famous Dog
animals, pets, friendship, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, Future Habitual, There is, Could, Passive, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2
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47. The Digital Divide
internet, Britain, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, reading comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2
48. Bully For You
bullying, society, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Have to, Might, Passive, Relative Clause, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2
49. Angkor Wat
travel, going places, history, Cambodia, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Can, Passive, Relative Clause, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2
50. Ada Lovelace: the First Computer Programmer
famous people, computers, history, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Could, Passive, Relative Clause, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2
51. A Controlling Job
jobs, aviation, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, May, Have to, There are, Passive, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average words, B1-B2
52. Team Sports, American Style
sports, USA, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Can, Passive, reading, comprehension, handouts, intermediate, average words, B1-B2
53. Levi’s Blue Jeans
clothes, business, famous people, history, USA, reading, comprehension, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Simple passive, intermediate, average words, intermediate, B1-B2
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average-difficult words
54. Norman Rockwell
famous people, art, USA, reading comprehension, Past Simple, Passive, average-difficult words, B1-B2
55. No more Fish ‘n’ Chips?? The Original Fast Food Is Struggling to Survive …
food, eating habits, economy, Britain, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past habitual, Future Simple, Can, Could, There is/are, Passive, Relative Clause, First Conditional, Find the mistakes, reading, comprehension, intermediate, average-difficult words, B1-B2, printable
difficult words
56. Close Encounters with a Twister
tornado, nature, USA, Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Past Habitual, Could, Passive, There is/are, First Conditional, Prepositions, reading, writing, comprehension, handouts, intermediate, difficult words, B2-C1
57. Yosemite National Park
history, nature, environment, US, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Passive, First Conditional, Relative Clause, reading comprehension, intermediate, difficult words B2-C1
58. Black and British
racism, politics, history, Britain, UK, Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Future Simple, Can, There is/are, Passive, Relative clause, Quantifiers, reading, writing, comprehension, handouts, intermediate, difficult words, C1-C2